Maarten Wetzels

Maarten has lived and worked for over 12 years in Italy and during that period, he has become very familiar with the various parts of the country. For his work he has traveled a lot through all Italian regioni from Sicily to Trentino for European tour operators looking for new holiday accommodations. At that time he developed a deep knowledge of locations and the Italian way of doing business. He lives and works from the western shore of Lake Garda and from the northern and central part of Tuscany. Garda is a part of Italy which has been loved by travelers since Roman times and has been a popular place to stay ever since. Many international celebreties have lived here for a short or long period of time. Maarten speaks Dutch, Italian, English and German and is the official translator of our team.

Maarten Wetzels

Lake Garda, Tuscany & Translations